How do I know our mentor?
If you want a mentor, you must have sure that the person had overcome hard struggles and rough situations in his or her life. This kind of mentor is found only in SkillPal and nowhere else. A person who mentors you must qualify many tough conditions which gave solid experiences. Not everyone like that. A mentor is one within thousands. A SkillPal mentor has robust knowledge and experience to share with the mentee. That is why mentors are not plentiful.
Just like knowing your shortcomings, knowing your strengths is also a key part of your career. You know best what you’re good at and what comes easily to you. And again, a SkillPal mentor may be able to point out some assets you may not fully realize. But strengths are only strengths as long as they continue to grow and develop. And often developing those strengths isn’t something you can do on your own.
· Know your goals (both short and long term).
· Who do you look up to?
· Do the research.
· Be cognizant of your existing network.
· Recognize the difference between a mentor and a sponsor.
· Have an elevator pitch ready.
· Make sure it’s the right fit before asking.
The more aware someone already is of your work and abilities, the more effective they will be at mentoring you. Think about whether someone is already informally mentoring you can you ask them to help you? If someone isn’t aware of your work or you’ve never talked to them, look for a connection. Make sure the person you are thinking about also has the expertise you’re looking for. SkillPal is the only way to get an expert mentor.
In life, you have to face challenges time by time. Many situations come and you need to overcome those. A mentor is a must choice in life. The best professional and personal mentorship platform is SkillPal. Suppose you are starting a small business or startup. Or you go for the preparation of a very tough exam. You surely need a mentor who can guide you to achieve the goal. A SkillPal mentor overcame those phases in life so they can help you definitely.
SkillPal Mentors share their knowledge and experience with you so that you can learn from their experience. You can then apply these lessons to your life as a student and in personal and professional settings. It’s often easier for someone outside of yourself to notice where you need improvement. A mentor gets to know your strengths and weaknesses over time and can play a critical role in helping you become the best version of yourself.