Rich social media stars and HelloStar.
Social media is a source of income money without any doubt. But, not for everyone. Mark created social media in 2004 after some years there were many competitors came, but he won the battle of popularity for creating Facebook. Then WhatsApp and Instagram came and he purchased both. Mark is the richest now. People use social media as an advertising platform.
The HelloStar team believes that there is a bigger untapped opportunity in India for the shout-out process, considering the craze around celebrities and influencer in India. The main objective behind starting up HelloStar is to shelter influencers in our business. Consuming the time, we want to spawn multiple revenue streams for them. Each influencer or celebrity who is listed on the HelloStar platform will get a satisfying rate. The user can click on their favourite celebrity and make a payment. he or she receives a shoutout within the next seven days. Any Bollywood celebrity who is used to be very close to his or her fans and care for their fans can join us. HelloStar Invites all. The influencers who stands on the platform made by their fans can easily make another source of money income. There are many content creators in local parts of India. Many of them got the golden play button from Youtube also. They feed on millions of Indian subscribers. The most interesting part is that the teenage and youngster public doesn’t miss any of their videos. The educated young population loves virtual reality. Most of them wait for their beloved show to come in a different way with different content.
There is another way of incoming money from social media. Influencer marketing. Some self-made stars post their style statement in social media and increase followers. They income from brands. They promote brands with their style and brands comes to them for more promotion. Now look to a content creator, they made money from social media itself. A youtube content creator can get a golden play button by making a specific milestone of followers. In Instagram, there are so many self-made stars who publish his or her photo and video. Yes, they are talented and intelligent. They are the future generation and the attraction of the society. They don’t fear to publish anything. Not only the Indians, in the international territory there are so many rich influencers and content creators. In this era we see the countries and different cultures get mixed in social media. They all have the same statement and the same mentality. They all have a strong bond that they will create something new each day.
Let’s talk about another point. The shout-out process. Actually shout out is a process of tagging someone by your post. In twitter, if I post some videos or photos and tag it to someone then it will be a shout out. However, most of the celebs do it. The new generation celebs who are more popular in social media than in silver screen can easily make shout out with their followers. Not only in twitter they are popular in different social media like Instagram and Facebook also. They promote brands and make money. These stars have their own style of fashion which they discovered and created. Now a day it is easy to be a star in social media. A trendy content creator can be a star in this scenario. In youtube, there are some people who give movie review and new ideas. Some of them got a golden play button. They take money from youtube and the brand they promote. Yes, it is true that they earn like silver screen celebs. It is also very nice for society as well.
HelloStar is an organization who helps to promote and send personalized video messages to the common people from celebrities. This is also a shout out process. It is just started yet. Any social media influencer and self-made star can be a part of this program to monetize them. This is an Augmented Reality powered social media shout out platform. In this huge galaxy of social media, there are currently so many influencers creating trendy contents with their talents and love. People like the way they deal with celebrities. It is good for them that they can reduce the distance with the stars. The stars are feed on it. In this particular protocol, new stars will born too. Social media video shout-out is nothing but tagging a person by his or her id while posting a video. This video can be relevant to anything. It may be social, socio-political, or maybe regarding greetings messages. There are so many celebrities doing this now a day from Hollywood to Bollywood. Not only the big names even the nano influencers are doing this too to monetize themselves. The new Media came to market is HelloStar Media. It is a new platform for a shout-out. Influencers can send messages via HelloStar to their fans and requesters to monetize themselves. HelloStar India is India’s first AR-Powered Influencer Messages Marketplace.