SkillPal Mentors are the most favourite educator at any online Platform.
Education is always a favourite. There is no partiality from my end. But if anybody asks me that which is the most useful tool then I would answer SkillPal. SkillPal is a mentorship portal who provides personalized mentorship for all. Mentoring is important, not only because of the knowledge and skills students can learn from mentors but also because mentoring provides professional socialization and personal support to facilitate success in graduate school and beyond. Quality mentoring greatly enhances students’ chances for success. Research shows that students who experience good mentoring also have a greater chance of securing academic tenure-track positions or greater career advancement potential in administration or sectors outside the university. SkillPal is the ultimate platform where anyone can find a life coach or guide.
SkillPal Mentors provide information and knowledge. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” When I was starting out, I had no idea what was involved in running a business, including making a business plan, budgeting, handling daily operations, making strategic decisions or running a marketing campaign. With a mentor there from the start, I tapped into a wealth of knowledge that got me up to speed faster and shortened that learning curve. SkillPal Mentors can see where we need to improve where we often cannot. Moviemaker George Lucas noted, “Mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults that we would like. It’s the only way we grow.” They will always be brutally honest with you and tell you exactly how it is rather than downplay any weaknesses they see in you.
This constructive criticism that my mentor offered helped me to see things in myself that I could not recognize. I appreciated that insight because I didn’t want someone to pad my ego. I did want someone to pad my ego, but I had to decide that the business was more important. Instead, I wanted to know exactly where I was lacking so I could improve those areas. SkillPal Mentors find ways to stimulate our personal and professional growth. Another famous movie director explained, “The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” My mentor would often pose questions for me to think about and ask me to come back with answers later. He would also set various goals for me and let me loose to see if I could accomplish them on my own, all the while watching from a distance to see how these projects helped me to develop. He then made a point to sit down and tell me what he’d observed about me through the project process, what he thought was worth keeping — and definitely what he would immediately throw out. He also focused on character and values, which nurtured my personal growth as well as my leadership abilities.
SkillPal Mentors offer encouragement and help keep us going. Inspirational entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey stated, “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” They are there no matter what and offer moral support sprinkled heavily with cheerleading. There were times that, if there wasn’t a mentor there for me, I could have easily, “caved-in,” emotionally, or given up on the business. However, I had a mentor and each one I had wouldn’t let me stop but provided the encouragement and guidance that gave me hope and confidence that I could do whatever was asked of me. SkillPal Mentors are disciplinarians that create necessary boundaries that we cannot set for ourselves. I experienced a lot of tough love from my mentor. He did this because he understood that being an entrepreneur can be challenging when it comes to self-motivation and self-discipline. He took on this role of parent to teach me good work habits and provided the boundaries for me to work within. This solidified my work ethic, sharpened my focus, I really missed some important essentials, and clarified my priorities in a way that I could not do on my own.
I feel fortunate enough to have had this experience and am now in a position to return the favour to others that are just starting out. Not only is the price right, but SkillPal mentors are also providing priceless access to everything noted on this list and more. Having a mentor is not a sign of weakness; it shows you are smart enough and are driven enough to succeed.