The dynamism of a Business Mentor at SkillPal.
Business mentors lever their knowledge and experience by providing advice, counsel, network contacts and political and cultural know-how, together with ongoing personal support and encouragement. The business mentor’s interest is to foster the career development of the mentee. At its best, business mentoring is a process that activates the skills of the mentee within their current role and helps groom them for their next. Business mentoring helps them to produce high quality decisions that define them, their authority and their effectiveness. A business mentor provides a confidential sounding board, thinking room, and support for working through crucial and often complex decisions. Business mentoring can also help organisations to retain their best people and increase staff loyalty. A mentor should be there to make you understand that what would be your life goals and how do you accomplish your target. Many people after school can’t find the path that they should run into. A mentor should help them to choose the right path. SkillPal is here to provide mentors to the people who need such bits of help. Now here is a question that why we need a mentor and why a mentor is important in our life! In many cases, we can see that family members came out as a mentor but the young people do not like them. They do not go for free knowledge which may be old school. Young people need perfect mentors from SkillPal who will set a career plan for them. A mentor is a person with specialized knowledge whom you may enlist to educate and motivate you, either in your personal life, your career or both. Similar to coaches and teachers, mentors guide less-experienced people through the learning process by establishing trust and modelling positive behaviours. Mentors differ in that they generally do not receive payment for services. Many mentors choose to help educate others because they understand the value of their wisdom and knowledge and wish to pass it on. Others enjoy the challenge of helping people achieve their goals.
A mentor from the same industry vertical and in the specific area of your startup would help you understand the nuances of the business and the varied nature of the market. General mentors typically provide generic advice and this, at times, would not be applicable for your startup. I have come across cases where a mentor who was considered an innovation stalwart was considered a poor mentor by startups that were working in specific niche areas. SkillPal mentors are valuable sources of knowledge. Whether you’re starting a business, going back to college or changing careers, mentors have experienced similar milestones. Choose mentors who will give you the best insight into your current phase of life or career level. Because they have already been through it, they’ll provide advice on issues like how to save money, reduce stress and be more efficient, for example, and be able to connect their experiences with your own. Friends and family members may hesitate to provide the type of feedback you need to make a change in your personal or professional life. SkillPal mentors offer constructive criticism designed to strengthen areas of your life that need improvement. Without this insight, personal growth may take longer to achieve. Encourage mentors to tell you how you may improve your strategy to better reach your goals. Mentors look for ways to encourage personal growth. Once they understand your skills and abilities, they may put you to work on a specific task to see how well you perform. Based on your performance, they might give you another challenge to test you or give you detailed feedback on what you did well and what you may improve upon. SkillPal mentors look for teaching moments that help you grow along the way. When you need an extra boost of confidence, mentors offer support and words of encouragement to keep you going when life gets tough. Without a mentor, negative thoughts may become more prominent in your daily life, especially when dealing with a difficult subject or issue. Positive encouragement helps motivate you to keep trying your best, despite the challenges.
SkillPal Mentors Encourage You to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone All people have a zone in which they operate and live in. They are comfortable and able to excel in this zone. This is called a comfort zone. To grow, you’ll need to need to step outside of your comfort zone to be able to have new experiences and learn. A good mentor is capable of identifying your comfort zone and developing steps and activities within your goals that will force you to become comfortable outside of your zone. SkillPal mentors Are Active Listeners. A mentor needs to be able to listen to what you are saying. They should be involved in the conversation, prompting you for clarity or more information. They shouldn’t be distracted when you are talking to them. A person that is always allowing themselves to be interrupted by phones, emails, or people walking by when in a session with you is not actively listening. A good mentor will not have any distractions when you are talking with them, focusing on you and taking part in the conversation. They will ask questions, reflect on your answers and even give you some silence when you need to think.
SkillPal Mentors Know How to Provide Feedback. Everyone can benefit from feedback. Even the most skilled and knowledgeable person is a beginner at something, requiring feedback to continue to grow in their new skills. Feedback is essential to improvement. A mentor should create long-term objectives and short-term goals with you to help you become the expert you want to be. Feedback should be provided during each session with your mentor. It should not be degrading, but should simply inform you of a shortcoming, and identify corrective actions you can take to be more successful the next time.